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Your baby's growth and development - 6 months old

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Six months is the recommended age to introduce solid food.
  • At 6 months, your baby needs their third scheduled vaccination, which for most children involves just 1 injection.
  • Most babies can roll over by 6 months, which means you need to be very careful to keep hold of them on the change table or bed.
  • Your 6 month old may be able to sit with support.
  • You will be hearing from your 6 month old baby lots of babbling, singing, squeals and bubble blowing, sometimes referred to as ‘vocal play’.

My 6 month old

Six months is an exciting time. Your baby is growing and developing very quickly now. The left side of their brain has started communicating with the right side, meaning they can coordinate their body better. You and your baby are starting to understand each other. They will let you know whether they’re happy or sad and start to respond to words.

By the time they reach 6 months, babies have a much better sense of who they are and how they fit into their world. They will have a good sense of the difference between their parents, siblings and other people, and may even start to be anxious of people they don’t know.

Six months is the recommended age to introduce solid food. This is important to give them the nutrients they need, including iron, but also to strengthen their jaw to help with chewing food and talking. You can try offering small amounts of smooth, pureed or mashed food once a day, and still continue breastfeeding or formula feeding. When you are giving your baby solids, you can also offer some small sips of cool, boiled water from a sippy cup. If you have allergies in your family, talk to your doctor or child and family health nurse before you introduce common allergy foods like eggs or cow’s milk.

Your baby is now due for their 6 months check. This is when you and your doctor will discuss sleep patterns, safe sleeping and ongoing prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), healthy diet and teeth care, growth and safety.

Your baby also needs their third scheduled vaccination, which for most children involves just 1 injection this time. Your child may be offered an additional injection if they are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, or they have certain medical conditions.

Understanding baby growth charts

Understanding baby growth charts

A growth chart helps you and your doctor keep track of how your baby is growing.

What can my baby do?

Physical development

From about 6 months — sometimes a little later — your baby’s hand control will have developed enough so they can grab an object and move it towards them. They might even be able to pass an object from hand to hand and will learn how to let go of something (and to understand that it fell). It’s too early to tell whether they are left or right-handed; they will tend to use one hand a lot and then switch to the other.

Most babies can roll over by 6 months, which means you need to be very careful to keep hold of them on the change table or bed. They are starting to push themselves up into a crawling position and may be able to rock back and forth on their hands and knees. They can push up and down with their legs in a standing position and may be able to sit with support. They will often be able to turn themselves in the direction they want to go by now.

Cognitive development

Your 6 month old will become bored if left alone for too long. They will enjoy playing games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. They also may try and search for partly hidden objects or toys. They will enjoy exploring objects by looking at them and putting them in their mouth.

Social development

6 month old babies love interacting with you and will start to let you know what they want. They are learning how to attract your attention in ways other than crying. Some babies at this age can understand a few words, like ‘bath’, and can recognise their own name.

Emotional development

6 month old babies will also start to understand your emotions from the tone of your voice. For example they can understand if you are speaking to them harshly or softly.

Language development

Their communication skills will be developing fast. You will be hearing lots of babbling, singing, squeals and bubble blowing, sometimes referred to as ‘vocal play’. They love language games and understand how to take turns as you ‘talk’ to each other. About 1 in every 2 babies who are 6 months old can repeat a sound over and over again (‘babababa’). Some will even combine several sounds together (‘baga’). You can mimic the sounds back to them to help them learn to talk.

How can I help my baby develop?

Your baby will love exploring the world. Surround them with safe things they can touch and put in their mouth, like a soft ball, different fabrics, teething rings or bells.

Talk and listen to your baby, looking them straight in the eye, making facial expressions and responding to their sounds. They will love being read to, especially books with bright pictures. Have a cuddle while you read to them so you can enjoy this special time together.

Reassure them when they’re with people they don’t know, to help them feel safe and secure.

If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to baby proof your house. Your baby will soon be on the move so make sure their environment is safe.

Development problem signs

All babies develop at different rates.

At 6 months, talk to your doctor or maternal child health nurse if they:

  • don’t seem to know their parents or don’t respond to people they know well
  • don’t show any interest in their surroundings or in reaching for objects
  • don’t start to babble or make any voice sounds
  • don’t make eye contact
  • can’t be comforted by a parent or a close carer

Resources and support

If you are worried or would like to discuss any issues with your baby’s development, speak to your doctor or child health nurse.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call ÌÇÐijöÆ·, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.


(Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards), (Check you are using the correct vaccine for age), (How to introduce solid foods to babies for allergy prevention), (Your child\u2019s development - 4 to 8 months)

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: December 2022

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