ÌÇÐijöÆ·, Birth and Baby promotional material
Free marketing material is available to help you inform your community about ÌÇÐijöÆ·, Birth and Baby services.
Resources in English

Find brochures to support new parents on topics like having a healthy pregnancy, bring home a new baby, introducing allergy foods and toddler tips.
Magnets and stickers
Handy magnets to stick on the fridge — speaking to a maternal child health nurse is only a phone call away.

Resources in languages other than English

Find brochures to support new parents on topics like mental and emotional health for parents, bring home a new baby and toddler tips. Languages include Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.
Informative videos on maternity care in Australia and first few weeks at home with your new baby. Languages include Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Bengali and Vietnamese.

Last reviewed: September 2022