How your baby learns - birth to 3 years
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In the first 3 years of your baby’s life, they will go from being totally dependent on you for everything to becoming their own little person. Know more about how your baby learns and develops and how you can help and guide them.
Learning to move
- 3-5 months - move arms and legs, roll from side to side
- 6-9 months - sit and hold toys
- 9-12 months - crawl and pull to stand
- 1-2 years - walk, squat to play
- 2-3 years - run, climb stairs, pull large toys
- 3-6 months - reach out for toys
- 6-12 months - play with various hand toys
- 15-24 months - build blocks, post shapes, scribble
- 2-3 years - build towers, draw, thread beads
- From birth - read and talk to your baby
- 3-6 months - make sounds, look at your baby's eyes
- 9 months - 'peek a boo' games, encourage babble
- 15-18 months - look at picture books, use single words
- 2-3 years - put words together, ask questions
- From birth - smile, hug and play with your baby
- 18-24 months - feeling of being happy, angry or sad may show
- 2-3 years - play next to other children, encourage pretend play
Things to remember
Not all babies develop at the same pace. This is meant to be a guide only on how you can help you baby learn and develop.
If you are concerned at all about how your baby is developing, speak to your doctor or maternal child health nurse or call ÌÇÐijöÆ·, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436.
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Last reviewed: August 2023