Sun and heat protection for babies and kids
14-minute read
If you think your child has heatstroke or severe dehydration, call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.
Key facts
- Babies and young children can easily get sunburnt in Australia, even on cooler or overcast days.
- Make sure your child drinks extra fluids on hot days to prevent dehydration.
- Keep your child in a cool environment on hot days to avoid heatstroke.
- You can protect your child from the sun by 'slipping' on appropriate clothing, 'slopping' on sunscreen (on babies over 6 months old), 'slapping' on a hat, 'seeking' shade and 'sliding' on sunglasses.
- See a doctor immediately if your baby has signs of severe dehydration or heatstroke.
Why is sun protection important for my child?
Babies and children have sensitive skin that can easily. Being exposed to too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can lead to:
- sunburn
- eye damage
- in later life
Your child needs protection from the sun from the day they are born.
Cancer Council Australia recommends protecting your baby or child from the sun whenever the UV index reaches 3 or above.
Remember, your child doesn't need to be directly in the sun to be burned by UV radiation. UV rays can still reach them on cool or overcast days.
Even while in the shade, UV radiation can reflect off:
- water
- sand
- snow
Your baby can also be exposed to UV radiation:
- while you are walking with them in the pram
- through the car windows while you're driving
- if their clothing isn't sitting on them properly

What is the UV Index?
The UV Index tells you how intense the UV radiation is at any time during the day. A UV index of 3 or above means the radiation level is high enough to damage your skin.
Babies under 12 months old should be kept away from direct sunlight when UV levels reach 3 or above.
The amount of UV radiation varies across Australia and changes based on the season and time of day. You can find out the UV Index in your area by checking:
- the
- the
- the Cancer Council's free
- your local newspaper or radio station
These sources can also give information on the times of day when you need to use sun protection.
How can I protect my baby from the sun?
Babies and children need sun protection whenever UV Index levels reach 3 or above.
In general, you should:
- Slip on clothing to protect your child's skin.
- Slop on sunscreen.
- Slap on a hat.
- Seek shade — you can create shade from the pram, play area or window covers.
- Slide on some sunglasses.
It's a good idea to use a combination of slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. For example, wearing a hat, long sleeves and sunglasses together will help avoid excessive exposure to dangerous UV radiation.

Is it safe to apply sunscreen to my baby's skin?
Babies have very sensitive skin that can react to sunscreen. Using sunscreen is not recommended if your baby is under 6 months old. For older babies, test the sunscreen on a small patch of skin inside the forearm for a few days. This way, you can make sure they don't have a reaction to the sunscreen.
When choosing sun protection, you should select a sunscreen that is:
- broad-spectrum
- water-resistant
- at least SPF 30+
Make sure you apply sunscreen to any areas of skin not covered by wraps, clothing and a hat. This includes your child's face and hands.
For babies over 6 months old, apply sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every 2 hours.
You should also make sure that the sunscreen is:
- within its use-by date
- stored in a cool, shady place under 30°C
It's not a good idea to keep sunscreen in the glove box of your car, which gets very hot.
Sunscreen should be used as the last line of defence after:
- avoiding direct sunlight
- putting on protective clothing, a hat and shade
Why do I need to protect my baby's eyes from the sun?
UV radiation can damage your child's eyes. If your baby's eyes get sunburnt, they will be red and sore. But repeated exposure to the sun can lead to serious, long-term eye problems including:
- damage to the retina or cornea
Using sun protection will help protect your baby's eyes from UV radiation.
It's a good idea to get your child used to wearing sunglasses from a young age.
You can find sunglasses for babies with soft elastic to keep them in place. Look for sunglasses labelled AS/NZS 1067:2016. Don't use toy sunglasses, as these won't protect your baby's eyes from UV radiation.
Try to make sunglasses a normal part of getting dressed for the outdoors. It helps if you model this behaviour, by wearing sunglasses yourself whenever you are out in the daytime.
How should I dress my baby for the outdoors?
To protect your child's skin from the sun you should choose clothes that:
- cover as much of your baby's skin as possible, such as long sleeves and pants
- are loose fitting
- are made from densely woven fabric
- preferably have an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) rating of 50
It's a good idea to check the tags of your baby's clothes before you buy them and note the UPF. Choose the highest UPF rating you can find.
Your baby's clothes should be rated at least UFP 15. Alternatively, test a fabric by holding it up to the light. The more light that gets through, the more UV radiation can get through too.
The best clothing will depend on what your child is doing. Cotton, loose-fitting clothing will keep them cool. A rash vest ('rashie') or a wetsuit can protect your child when they are in the water.
Also, choose a broad-brimmed bucket or legionnaire-style hat to protect your baby's face, neck and ears. For young babies, make sure the fabric will fold easily when they lie down. If the hat has a strap, place it at the back of their head. This will prevent them from choking on it.
How can I treat my baby's sunburn?
Your child may have sunburn if their skin is:
- red
- warm
- swollen
- painful
You should treat sunburn like any other burn.
If the sunburn is minor:
- keep your child in a cool and shady place
- give them paracetamol or ibuprofen if they have pain or swelling
- bathe the area with cool or lukewarm water or apply a cool cloth to the sunburnt area
You should see a doctor if your child has severe sunburn. Signs of severe sunburn include:
- signs of infection (such as pus)
- severe pain
You should also see a doctor if you child is sunburnt and:
- has a
- has or
- is
How do I know if my baby is dehydrated?
If your child shows signs of severe dehydration, seek urgent medical attention.
is when you don't have enough fluids in your body to keep it working properly.
Mild dehydration can be treated by giving your child more to drink. But severe dehydration in children can be very serious. It's important to know what to look out for and to treat dehydration promptly.
Signs of dehydration include:
- dizziness or light-headedness
- headaches
- nausea
- dark yellow or brown urine
- fewer wet nappies
- dry lips and mouth
Dehydration is very dangerous for young children. See a doctor immediately if your baby has signs of severe dehydration such as if they:
- are extremely thirsty
- are drowsy, tired () and less energetic (lethargic)
- have cold hands and feet
- have a fast breathing rate and heart rate
- are irritable or confused
In young babies, a sunken fontanelle (soft spot on the head) is a sign of dehydration.
How can I prevent my baby from becoming dehydrated?
Babies and young children have a higher chance of becoming dehydrated. It is important that your child drinks enough fluid to prevent this from happening. Babies should produce 6 to 8 pale, wet nappies a day.
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, your baby will need extra feeds during hot weather. You shouldn't give water to babies under 6 months old unless your doctor advises you to.
Give young children water to drink throughout the day. Fruit juice, sugary drinks and fizzy drinks are not recommended.
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What is heat rash?
If your child gets too hot, they can develop heat rash, also sometimes called prickly heat or miliaria. Heat rash looks like little red spots or blisters on the skin. It is common in babies because their sweat glands aren't properly developed, but adults can develop heat rash too.
To help prevent heat rash you can:
- dress your child in loose, light clothing
- make sure they are in a well-ventilated environment
Heat rash usually gets better on its own once you have cooled down.
You should see a doctor if you think your child has heat rash, especially if:
- the spots or blisters get infected (they have pus)
- the rash does not go away
- your baby has a high temperature (fever)
What is heatstroke?
If you think your child has heatstroke, call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.
Young children have a higher chance of becoming overheated than adults. They can become very unwell. This is called and is a medical emergency.
Symptoms of heatstroke include:
- high body temperature (over 40°C)
- red, hot and dry skin
- nausea
- rapid pulse and breathing
- lethargy or confusion
- unconsciousness
If you think your child has heatstroke, move them to a cool area and remove all unnecessary clothes. You can:
- try to give them small drinks of water if they are awake and responding to you
- cool them down with damp cloths or a sponge
- place their feet and hands in lukewarm water
Resources and support
For more information about sunscreen, sun safety and being sun safe, you can speak to your doctor.
You can also:
- visit the or call on 131120
- visit the

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Last reviewed: June 2023