Healthy pregnancy

Healthy diet during pregnancy
A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at any time, but especially vital if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Foods to avoid when pregnant
Learn about which foods you should avoid when you're pregnant. Find out more about foods that you should limit or take extra care with at this time.

Weight gain in pregnancy
As your baby grows, you will gain weight. How much you gain depends on your weight before pregnancy. Lean more about healthy weight gain in pregnancy.

Exercising during pregnancy
Physical activity while pregnant can help prepare your body for childbirth. Learn more about what exercises you can do, and what activities to avoid.

Things to avoid during pregnancy
From alcohol to house paints, there are a few things you should avoid during pregnancy. Find out more about what you should avoid during pregnancy.

ÌÇÐijöÆ· checkups, screenings and scans
Knowing what check-ups, screenings and scans to have and when to have them during your pregnancy is important information for every pregnant woman.

Feelings, relationships and pregnancy
As well as physical, financial and social changes, you can also experience unexpected emotional changes during and after pregnancy and birth.