Get Prepared app
Health app | By: Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
In summary
- About: general emergency preparedness
- Suitable for: Australian adults aged 18 years and over
- Cost: free
- More information: Visit
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood's helps Australian adults to prepare for any type of emergency. Get Prepared helps you connect with your key support people, accomplish simple tasks to make you and your loved ones safer, and protect the things that matter most to you.
We all face emergencies: whether as large as a bushfire or as personal as a home accident. What we know is the more prepared people are, the less stressed they are and the better they recover. Many of us think preparation is about what to pack; but it’s more about how we think, who we call and what we value.
Getting prepared isn’t hard – it’s about taking simple steps to make you safer. With the Get Prepared, co-created by Australian Red Cross and general insurer IAG, you can choose the steps that are right for you and your family. Key contacts, handy checklists, and vital information in one emergency plan that’s at your fingertips whenever you need it.
The app will help you:
- establish your network of support with your three key contacts
- make a plan using simple checklists that help you complete the important actions that make you prepared for emergencies
- share your plan with the people you care about.
Get Prepared is an easy to use app that helps you access information and tools to complete an emergency plan. It builds on the Red Cross .
The 'Get Prepared' app is a free app and can be downloaded from and .

Download now:
NOTE: This app is provided by one of ÌÇÐijöÆ·Australia's trusted . Please consider if this app is appropriate for your own individual circumstances. There may be costs to use the app or it may be free. You may also be charged for data from your telecommunications provider. For 24-hour health advice call healthdirect - 1800 022 222 or if you these emergency and crisis helplines can provide immediate support.
Last reviewed: August 2022