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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) during pregnancy

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infection in pregnancy, and if you’re pregnant you have a 1 in 10 change of having one.
  • Symptoms of UTIs include stinging or pain when you pass urine (wee), a need to pass urine more often, leaking urine, or a fever.
  • If you have bacteria in the urine or a UTI during pregnancy, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to treat it.
  • If you have a UTI in pregnancy, your doctor will work with you to try to prevent it becoming a kidney infection.

What is a urinary tract infection?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the. It can occur in different parts of the urinary tract, including the () and (). The bacteria usually come from the gut () where they don’t cause problems, and move to the urinary tract.

Sometimes bacteria is found in the urinary tract, but you don’t have any symptoms of an infection. This is known as asymptomatic bacteriuria. Your doctor or midwife will test for this in your first trimester of pregnancy by asking you to provide a . If you have bacteria in your urine, even if you don’t have symptoms, your doctor will prescribe treatment, to prevent problems for you or your baby.

UTIs can affect you whether you are pregnant or not. If you’re pregnant, you have up to a 1 in 10 chance of having a UTI. It is the most common infection in pregnancy. If you have a UTI while you’re pregnant, you are also more likely to develop other, more harmful, infections.

What are the symptoms of UTIs during pregnancy?

Common symptoms of a UTI during pregnancy are similar to those that you might experience , and include:

If the infection has moved to the kidneys, you may also have a high fever, back pain and .

What are the common causes of UTIs?

Your urinary tract is normally free of bacteria. If bacteria enter the tract and multiply, they can cause a UTI. Some reasons that increase your risk of developing an infection include:

During pregnancy, changes that occur in your body will increase your risk of getting a UTI, including changes to your urine and . As your baby grows, there is also increased pressure on your bladder, which can reduce the flow of your urine and lead to an infection. The tubes that take urine from the kidney to the bladder (ureters) get wider, which makes it easier for bacteria to get to the kidneys.

What are the complications of UTIs during pregnancy?

A bladder infection is more likely to become a if you are pregnant than if you are not pregnant. In pregnancy, kidney infections are more severe and may cause problems for both you and your baby.

Having bacteria in your urine (even if you don’t have pain or other symptoms) is associated with a condition called pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a serious medical condition in pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and can affect many body organs, including the liver, kidney and brain. If left untreated, it can lead to serious problems for you or your baby, but early treatment prevents these problems.

A kidney infection can cause problems such as severe infection (), blood pressure problems and kidney damage.

Is there a risk to my baby?

If you have bacteria in your urine, or a kidney infection while you’re pregnant, your baby is at a higher risk of an early birth or being born underweight. This risk doesn’t occur with a bladder infection, so long as it is treated.

The best way to avoid a risk to your baby is to keep all your antenatal appointments with your doctor, midwife or clinic.

How are UTIs diagnosed?

UTIs are diagnosed by taking a , which is checked in a laboratory under the microscope for bacteria. Your doctor will also ask you about your symptoms and may do a .

Everyone who is pregnant will be offered a urine test, usually at their first antenatal visit or soon after. You may need to repeat the urine test if you have had UTIs in the past, have symptoms of a UTI, have a sample with an unclear result, or if your doctor thinks you are at high risk of developing a UTI. If you have many UTIs, you may need more tests such as an of your kidneys.

How are UTIs treated during pregnancy?

UTIs are treated with antibiotics that are safe in pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe the right , based on your infection and the type of bacteria found in your urine sample. If your doctor is concerned about your UTI, they may start you on one antibiotic straight away, and then change the antibiotic if the bacteria is best treated with a different antibiotic.

If you have had many infections or many samples showing bacteria in your urine, your doctor may prescribe regular antibiotics in your pregnancy to prevent more infections from developing (prophylaxis).

It is also recommended to have a repeat urine test a few weeks after you finish your antibiotic treatment to ensure that the infection has cleared.

Can I prevent UTIs?

You can lower your risk of developing a UTI during pregnancy by:

When should I see my doctor?

See your midwife or GP if you have any symptoms of a UTI. It’s important not to delay getting antibiotics, as infections develop quickly, and can lead to problems for you and your baby.

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Resources and support

For more information on UTIs, visit the .

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