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Positions for labour

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Choosing the right position during labour can help you feel more in control, ease pain and aid in opening your pelvis for a smoother birth.

  • Swaying or walking and holding a support person during the contractions.
  • Kneeling, using a chair or birthing ball (yoga or 'fit' ball) for support.
  • Sitting or kneeling in a bath.
  • Leaning forward over the bed.
  • Kneeling on hands and knees to help reduce back pain.
  • Squatting, using a birthing stool or ball.
  • Standing and moving in the shower.
  • Sitting and rocking on a chair or edge of the bed.
  • Sitting backwards on a chair, with arms resting on the back of the chair.
  • Sitting on a chair leaning forward.
  • Lunging with one foot up on a chair or stool.

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