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Burns, scalds and hot water safety

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Children can get burns and scalds from hot surfaces, friction and hot liquids.
  • If your child is burnt, you can give first aid treatment.
  • If your child is badly burnt, you should call an ambulance.
  • There are ways you can reduce your child’s risk of burns and scalds in your home.

What are burns and scalds?

Both burns and scalds damage your skin through heat. Children can also be burnt by contact with very cold things such as dry ice.

A burn is caused by contact with dry heat, such as:

Scalds are caused by contact with wet heat, usually a hot liquid, such as:

Water can be hot enough to scald a child up to 30 minutes after being boiled.

Whether your child has a burn or scald, their injury is generally referred to as a burn. Burns can also affect the:

Types of burns

A burn may be superficial or deep.

A superficial burn is usually more painful. This is because deeper burns can cause nerve damage that may stop your child from feeling some of the pain.

Superficial burns are usually red, while deeper burns can be dark red, pale yellow or a mottled mix of colour. Very severe burns may be white or charred.

How can I treat my child's burn?

All burns cause damage to your child’s skin and need first aid treatment.

First aid

If your child has a burn or scald, it's important to treat them as quickly as possible. Initial first aid treatment is the same for all burns.

First, you should follow the action plan. This includes removing immediate danger.

For example, if your child’s clothing is on fire, smother the flames with a woollen blanket. Don't beat or slap the flames as this could make the fire worse. Once any flames are put out, begin first aid.

Follow these steps for burn first aid:

  1. Check that your child is breathing properly.
  2. Run the burnt area under lots of cool (but not cold) running water for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove clothing or jewellery if you can. If it's stuck to the burn, do not try to remove it.
  4. Keep your child warm, as treating the burn with water can make them cold.
  5. Cover the burn with a loose, non-stick dressing such as a clean cloth, or plastic cling wrap.
  6. If needed you can give your child pain relief, such as paracetamol.

If the burn is serious or your child is obviously unwell, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. The person who takes your call will tell you what to do until help arrives.

Call an ambulance or go to the hospital emergency department if:

What do I do if my child has a chemical burn?

If the burns are to the skin or eyes, wash the area with cool running water for 20 to 30 minutes. This will soothe the burn and dilute the chemical.

If your child has swallowed a harmful chemical, check that they can:

If you're not sure, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance.

Call the for advice as soon as you can on 13 11 16. The line is open 24 hours a day.

What do I do if my child has an electrical burn?

If you child has an electrical burn, remove the source of electricity. But, be careful not to put yourself in danger. Then, you should:

Any child who has an electrical burn should be taken to hospital.

What treatments should I avoid if my child is burned?

If your child has a burn:

How can I prevent burns and scalds?

If you have young children in your house, there is always a risk of them getting burnt or scalded. There are ways to reduce this risk.

Most burns to children occur at home. Other high-risk places include fireplaces in:

Follow these tips to help keep your kids safe.

Keeping the kitchen and dining areas safe

When you are in the kitchen or have hot food and drinks, you should always supervise your child.

In the kitchen:

When dining:

Keeping the bathroom safe

Like the kitchen, you should always supervise your young child when they are in the bathroom. Most hot tap water scalds occur in the home. They are often caused by bathwater heated to unsafe temperatures.

The temperature of your hot water system should be set at 50°C. You can talk to a licensed plumber about installing a device that will limit the water temperature.

You can also install child-resistant tap covers to prevent toddlers turning on the hot water tap.

When bathing or showering your child:

Never leave a child alone in the bathroom. If you need to leave the bathroom, for example to answer the door, take your child with you.

Keeping the bedroom safe

Don’t use electric blankets on children’s beds. Electric blankets can cause children to overheat if left on for too long. Your child is also at risk of electrocution if they wet the bed.

Turn heaters off once children are in bed. If your child can get out of bed by themselves, you can:

Keep clothes and toys at least one metre away from heaters.

You should also:

Keeping the living area safe

In living spaces, be sure to:

You should also be sure to check that your smoke alarms are working and up to date.

Keeping the garage and outdoor areas safe

If you are camping, make sure your children wear shoes. Keep them away from campfires and hot coals.

Make sure you:

Be sure to check metal objects in hot weather so your child doesn’t burn themselves, such as:

Resources and support

If you have children or look after children, it’s a good idea to know some basic first aid and how to do resuscitation. You can do first aid courses with the following organisations:

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